Affiliates & Affiliate Application
10/20/2009 12:02:00 PM LaurenLCD
Labels: Affiliates
* = sites the webmistress can be found
New policy effective 5/3/2011: From now on, any affiliate that doesn't update their site after more than a month (whether it's a new layout, etc.) of the last update will be added to the former affiliates. If the site still exists on the web, we will keep the link, but the webmistress/master will be required to contact the webmistress via email to be put back on the list. Sites that go on hiatus for more than a month will be added to the former affiliates as well.
Sister site(s): ♥ Mysterious Souls *
♥ The Blacklights*
Additional Affiliates:
I Either Can't Contact You, You've Closed, Or You Haven't Updated In Over A Month...